Produce Bills are generated at various stages of the lifecycle of produce pallets and for various purposes. Advance produce bills are, for instance, normally generated soon after the departure of Freight Trip Legs to calculate and post advances to producers. Cost produce bills are typically only generated much later when the final income on pallets have been posted on the relevant produce trades and possible quality claims processed.

The Generate Produce Bills batch report makes it quick and easy to generate multiple produce bills at once. Cost Produce Bills for pallets where the Lot Billing Type is Purchase can also be generated directly from the produce trade.

  • Search for Generate Produce Bills to open the batch report.
  • Select the Produce Bill Purpose. Options are Advance, Cost and Forecast.
  • Select Purchase or Consignment as the Lot Billing Type. Note that produce bills with purpose Advance can only be generated for Consignment pallets.
  • Parameters for Produce Trades Not Required and Freight Trips Not Required may be switched on if produce bills must be generated for Purchase pallets that are respectively not yet in a produce trade or freighter trip leg. These options are often used when pallets are purchased at a fixed price and needs early posting of the purchase invoice.
  • Built-in grouping logic ensures that pallets are grouped into produce bills by Lot Billing Type, Lot Billing Party No. and Currency Code. Pallets are additionally grouped by the Produce Bill Channel Basis (Inbound or Outbound) and Produce Bill Grouping Basis (a week-basis) as defined in Linc Setup. These grouping fields are part of the header of a produce bill, and the individual pallet lots in the produce bill lines can thus not have a mixture of these values.
  • The Use Custom Grouping option - if used - will override the built-in Produce Bill Grouping Basis. To illustrate the impact of custom grouping, let us assume that Produce Bill Channel Basis in Linc Setup is defined as Outbound and the Produce Bill Grouping Basis as Inspection Week. The specified filters in the batch report finds two pallets lots with the same Lot Billing Type, Lot Billing Party No., Currency Code and Outbound Channel, but the Inspection Week for pallet A is week 20, and for Pallet B it is week 21. If custom grouping is not used, two separate produce bills will be generated for each of these pallets. If custom grouping is used, both pallets will be included in the same produce bill.
  • Specify a Custom Grouping Code if custom grouping is used.
  • You can pre-select the Use Preferred Trade Exch. Rate if required. You can also manually switch this setting on/off on the produce bill headers once they are generated. For more information of the Preferred Trade Exch. Rate functionality, see Cost Produce Bills.
  • Select the Posting Date that must populate in the headers of the produce bills that will be generated. The posting dates can also be manually edited on produce bills once they are generated.
  • If Calculate Lines is selected in the batch report, the system will generate the produce bills and also calculate the pallet charges. Alternatively, charges can be calculated per produce bill after they have been generated.
  • Use the filter fields in the sections for Freighter Trip Leg, Freight Container, Freight Container Lines and Pallet Lines to ensure that only the required pallets are included in the produce bills that will be generated.
  • Once all the options and filters are specified, choose OK at the bottom of the report. A confirmation message will provide information of the produce bill numbers that have been generated and/or updated, and also note the number of pallet lines that have been skipped. Pallet lots of Lot Billing Type Consignment are not eligible for inclusion on a cost produce bill if their related produce trades are not yet closed. Such pallet lines will thus be skipped - even if the specified filters include them. For more information, see Close the Produce Trade. A pallet can only be on one Advance or Cost Produce Bill at a given time.