
Install the Linc Data Warehouse from the Business Central Extension Marketplace or from the link below: 

Once installed subscribe to one of the three packages available: 

  • Free  
  • Basic 
  • Standard 

There are then 5 steps to get setup and going: 

1. Add permissions to users in Business Central 

2. Select which tables to sync to the data warehouse 

3. Configure the job queue to synchronise the data 

4. Create SQL users to access the data warehouse 

5. Add IP addresses to be able to connect to the data warehouse 



Configuration in Business Central 

  1. 1. Add the Linc Data Warehouse Sync Permission Set PS_SYNC_LINC to all User Groups. 

This permission is required to be given to all users in the system as it is required for monitoring deletion of records 


  • 2. Use the Linc Data Warehouse Entities page to setup the entities (tables) to be included in the Linc Data Warehouse: 

  • Entity Type: Table (Query to be added in future) 
  • Entity ID: The table number 
  • Entity Caption: Automatically generated by BC 
  • Global Table:  this is automatically selected for entities that are used across all BC Companies in the Environment, such as the Users table 
  • Incremental:  If selected, only records that have been changed since the previous synchronisation will be synchronised. If not selected, all records in the entity will be synchronised each time the synchronisation runs. 
  • Include Flowfields: Select only for entities that include Flow fields (flow fields are calculated fields, such as a customer’s balance). When selected, Incremental cannot be selected. 
  • Filter String: Optional to provide a filter to the entity that you wish to Synchronise if you do not want all records to be included in the data warehouse 
  • Last Sync: Indicates the date and time of the most recent synchronisation of data records to the Data Warehouse.

Table 71113021 - Linc Data Warehouse Deleted Records will automatically be added as a         Global Table to the list of entities in the General Section.  

For each entity added in the General Section of the 
Linc Data Warehouse Entities page, an     entry will be added to the Linc Data Warehouse Company Entities Section. Use the         dropdown list from the Sync Company field to select each BC Company for which the entity     should be synchronised. 

  1. 3. Create a Job Queue to determine how often the Entities will be synchronised to the Linc Data Warehouse. This can be done from either the Linc Data Warehouse Entities page or directly from the BC Job Queue Entries page. Use Codeunit 71113020 – BCSyncMgt_SYNC_LINC as Object Type and Object ID to run. 


  1. 4. Grant Users access to the Data Warehouse on the Linc Data Warehouse SQL Users page. 

  • Username: Enter any name to identify each user 
  • SQL Username: Automatically generated by BC 
  • SQL Password: Automatically generated by BC 

Changes made to this page will take effect after the next run of the Synchronise Job Queue     unless selected to Run once (foreground) from the Job Queue Entries page.

  5. Add IP addresses from which each user will access the Linc Data Warehouse on the Linc Data Warehouse IP      Addresses page.

Changes made to this page will take effect after the next run of the Synchronise Job Queue     unless selected to Run once (foreground) from the Job Queue Entries page. 


Access Linc Data Warehouse 

Connect to the Linc Data Warehouse from Excel, Power BI etc. with the following connection details and your SQL Username & Password (setup on the Linc Data Warehouse SQL Users page).


Database: LincDW